En passant : eight hundred and fifty nine chess problems, in the solution of which pawn takes pawn en passant plays a part / compiled and arranged by Alain C. White. 1908.
Related Entities
There are 2 Entities related to this resource.
White, John G.
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6nw0kjw (person)
John Griswold White (1845-1928) was a prominent lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio. As a board member of the Cleveland Public Library and committed bibliophile, White donated his materials to the Library beginning in 1885 and continuing until his death. His interest in chess, stemming from childhood, developed into a desire to obtain knowledge of chess origins and the societies responsible for the development. Using this as a basis of his collection, White extended his collection to include folklore and ...
White, Alain Campbell, 1880-1951
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6474g4k (person)